像最近剛買的台中系統廚具安裝 [美國直購 ShopUSA] 電機控制器 Big Easy Driver Bipolar Motor Controller $1595 真的超好用的!!
而且還不用自己開車去搬#GOODS_NAME# ,對於沒有車的朋友們真的是一大福音
下面就是關於[美國直購 ShopUSA] 電機控制器 Big Easy Driver Bipolar Motor Controller $1595 的介紹
而且偷偷告訴妳喔!! 這#GOODS_NAME# 只有在樂天市場販售 其他地方可是找不到的
因此要買[美國直購 ShopUSA] 電機控制器 Big Easy Driver Bipolar Motor Controller $1595 可要快 否則沒貨了可就虧大了
[美國直購 ShopUSA] 電機控制器 Big Easy Driver Bipolar Motor Controller $1595
20121011w Big Easy
Bi-polar microstepping driver
2A/Phase max
Motor drive voltage: 8 to 35V
On-board 5V/3.3V regulation
The Big Easy Driver Bipolar Motor Controller is a stepper motor driver board for bi-polar stepper motors up to 2A/phase. It is based on the Allegro A4983 stepper driver chip. It's the next version of the popular easy driver board. Each BigEasyDriver can drive up to about 2A per phase of a bi-polar stepper motor. It is a chopper microstepping driver which defaults to 16 step microstepping mode. It can take a maximum motor drive voltage of around 35V, and includes on-board 5V/3.3V regulation, so only one supply is necessary. Although this套房設計 board should be able to run most systems without active cooling, a heatsink is recommended for loads approaching 2A/phase.